American Armenian Activist: Congressmen should see that there are many of us and we continue to fight

August 16 2023, 15:57


Adam Schiff’s words may have a power, and he can put a pressure on Azerbaijan, American Armenian activist Angel Martirosyan said in an interview with Alpha News.

“Congressman Adam Schiff’s words may have a power, and he can put a pressure on Azerbaijan. We expect that at least the humanitarian aid will reach Artsakh. We understand that he alone cannot resolve the conflict but he can influence Azerbaijan. Other organizations should also join him so that we achieve results,” the activist said.

Martirosyan reminds that August 16 is a very important day because a pan-Armenian prayer will take place in the Armenian Apostolic Church in Los Angeles.

“August 16 is a very important day for us because a pan-Armenian prayer will take place in the Armenian Apostolic Church in Los Angeles. I call on our compatriots here to join us. Congressmen should see that there are many of us and we continue to hold our protests. There should be many of us so that we can achieve results,” she said.