ANCC urges Canada to call on Armenian authorities to adhere to democratic standards

June 14 2024, 13:11


The Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) urged Canada’s foreign minister to call on the Armenian authorities to immediately stop the use of disproportionate force against peaceful protestors.

“In response to the ongoing developments in Armenia, in particular regarding the excessive use of force by Armenian State Police against peaceful protestors, Amnesty International has stated that ‘The level of violence during the latest street rally in Yerevan is deeply worrying. We call on the Armenian authorities to immediately and impartially investigate what happened, including allegations that the police may have used unnecessary or excessive force.’

We call on Canada and like-minded allies to call on the Armenian authorities to adhere to democratic standards and immediately stop the use of disproportionate force against peaceful protestors,” the ANCC said in a statement.