Andrei Bystritsky: Russia and Armenia are quite closely connected at a practical level

October 26 2023, 11:15


Andrei Bystritsky, the Chair of the Board of the Foundation for Development and Support of the Valdai Discussion Club, commented to Alpha News on the prospects for relations between Russia and Armenia.

“Speaking about the prospects for relations between Russia and Armenia, it is worth noting that Russia and Armenia are quite closely connected at a practical level. This connection exists and even develops to some extent. And I believe that it will be very difficult to change this trend in practical relations, and no one may even want or intend to do this.

Of course, nothing can be ruled out in this life, but there is a level of practical relationships, and it is quite strong. It would be unreasonable to exclude the most surprising scenarios for the development of events, but there is also no doubt that such a level of practical relations exists,” Bystritsky said.

Speaking about the note of protest to the Russian Ambassador in connection with the Russian TV program, the expert noted that television is a mass media and journalists have never represented the state.

“I would divide the issue here into different levels. There is a level of political declarations, that’s one thing. And it must be distinguished from practical actions. Often, public rhetoric does not reflect the nature of the development of real relations. First, I would not exaggerate the significance of this rhetoric and any negative statements addressed to each other.

Second, with all due respect, television is still a mass media. Journalists have never represented the state; at best, they represent their media. This applies to all journalists in all countries.

Maybe you should respond to the statements of bloggers and journalists, but you should not do it linearly. You should simply consider it an element of understanding the rather complex picture of public opinion in a particular country,” Bystritsky concluded.