Andrey Chuprygin: It is in Moscow’s interests to revive its role as an influential player in the southern region

December 15 2023, 10:36

Opinion | Politics

Expert at the Russian International Affairs Council Andrey Chuprygin commented to Alpha News on the prospects for signing a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as Russia’s role in this process.

“Armenia is now very interested in the simultaneous withdrawal of troops from the border with Azerbaijan, but has not yet agreed on this with Baku. As soon as they agree on the withdrawal of troops, they will sign a peace agreement. Russia can become an active negotiator in this process, especially in the context of a statement by the Turkish Defense Minister, who clearly warns external actors to stay away from the territory that is important to them. I think that, out of spite, Moscow can intensify its efforts. The situation is that when Turkiye intensifies this position, Armenia wants to look for an alternative in the usual directions; maybe something heroic will turn out, and it will be possible to bargain with Turkiye, with Russia, with everyone, and mainly, of course, with Europe,” the expert said.

According to the expert, Moscow has historically always been the most serious actor in the southern region.

“Recently, this position has changed a little, but I think that it is in Moscow’s interests to revive it again, because for Moscow, this region is extremely important, and Moscow will try to regain its position as a mediator and as an influential player,” Chuprygin concluded.