Aneta Krpekyan: We are fighting to preserve the values of Armenian families

December 01 2023, 10:58


Alpha news acknowledges inaccuracies regarding the reporting on Aneta Krpekyan’s interview with Alpha News as published on December 1, 2023. Aneta never represented she is anti-LGBT or that she has been working against the LGBT community in any context, capacity, or form. The inaccurate article has been removed and her full interview stands as the accurate representation of her comments. We apologize for any inconvenience and we are working to clarify any misunderstandings promptly.

Parents who advocate for the preservation of family values are being silenced in Glendale schools, Aneta Krpekyan, a candidate for the Glendale Board of Education, told Alpha News.

“For several years now, as a parent, I have been busy fighting for family values in schools. At the school where my child studies, I am involved in protecting the rights of parents because our parental rights are being violated. One of the problems that really bothers me is that in my child’s school, or rather, in the school library, I found books on gender topics. Together with other parents, we gathered and stated that we do not accept such books at school. Many teachers themselves are against it, saying that it is better to go teach at another school than to explain this to children,” Krpekyan said.

She said parents like her are fighting to preserve the values of Armenian families living in Glendale.

“40% of Glendale residents are Armenian and Christians, and we keep our Armenian values. We fight for our children; we raise our voices against all this, but they try to silence us by saying that we are bad parents. And so, I ask that our fellow Glendale residents come out to the polls and vote for me. The city’s schools are in danger, and I am fighting for the sake of the 25,000 children who study there,” Krpekyan concluded.