Ani Avetyan: It is Iran that opposes the ‘Zangezur corridor’

January 09 2024, 17:30


Alpha News’ regional analyst Ani Avetyan mentioned the reason why Turkiye plans to implement the so-called “Zangezur corridor” project in 2028.

“Turkiye and Azerbaijan have been using the soft power method against Armenia for a long time. First, at the diplomatic level, they deprive Armenia of its allies in a way that Armenia itself, by its own decisions, is deprived of those allies that can help fight against the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’.

The Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Abdulkadir Uraloglu, mentioned the number 2028. Why did he mention that number and say that they are receiving positive signals from Armenia?

The Turks were in a hurry. If we listen to what Erdogan has been saying about the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’ for three years after the 2020 Artsakh war, we will see that in all of Erdogan’s sentences there is the tendency to open the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’ as soon as possible. Now the Turkish minister is making a statement, mentioning the year 2028,” Ani Avetyan said.

She added that Turkiye has always said that official Tehran opposes the so-called “Zangezur corridor”.

“The President of Turkiye has always emphasized that it is not Armenia but Iran that opposes the ‘Zangezur corridor’. Turkiye is, first of all, conducting negotiations with Iran. Mentioning the year 2028 and easing the haste may mean a compromise for the Iranian side, because there were some positive steps on the Iranian side as well. 2028 is 4 years from now. A lot can change in 4 years, including the Turkish minister’s consideration,” Avetyan noted.

Our interlocutor said that Armenia, leaning towards the West, may have made some promises to the US, saying that the Russian side will not be allowed to control the so-called corridor.

“Yes, according to the Turkish side, Armenia did not oppose the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’, handing over this role to the Iranian side. It is worth noting that there are clear changes in Armenia’s foreign policy; it is focused on the West. It is evident that in the statement of November 9, they demand the corridor, and the Russian factor is also mentioned there. The West is Turkiye’s strategic ally, from NATO to cooperation on other international platforms. It is a fact. Armenia sent positive signals to Turkiye through the West because Armenia received positive statements from the West. Maybe the US also received a positive signal from Armenia and will try to make sure that the Russian side does not control the so-called corridor. The Turks are trying to achieve what they want as much as possible without military escalation, and they will never give up this goal. The use of military force is also not excluded,” Ani Avetyan concluded.