Arcbishop Viganò appeals to institutions of all countries to protect Armenians

September 29 2023, 13:53

Opinion | Politics

The Armenian people, for centuries persecuted by Islam and the Communists for their Faith, are once again the target of vicious ethnic replacement, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the US, Arcbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, said on his X account.

“Thousands of Armenians are leaving their country, driven from their homes, considered strangers in their homeland.

Where is the international community, always ready to welcome Islamic migrants of military age, fleeing war zones or funding a proxy war in Ukraine under the pretext of Russian invasion? Where is the petulant Bergoglio (Pope Francis – ed.), according to whom no ethnic replacement is taking place?

I appeal to the institutions of all countries to act promptly by giving aid and protection to the Armenians, opening a humanitarian corridor to receive them, and above all by taking immediate diplomatic action so that the exiles can soon return to their homes.

I invoke the intercession of St. Gregory the Illuminator, Patron of the Armenian Apostolic Church, that he may protect the persecuted Catholics and confirm them in the heroic witness of Faith that has animated them for centuries,” he said.