Armenia and Azerbaijan do not need mediators to normalize relations, Aliyev says

May 01 2024, 17:00


During his speech at the opening of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that Armenia and Azerbaijan do not need mediators in the process of normalization of relations between the two countries, TASS reports.

“Border delimitation has begun, even demarcation works are underway. Our two countries managed to achieve this without any mediators. This demonstrates once again that we do not need mediators, especially those who pursue their own goals, do not want to help, but want to interfere in our region to achieve their political and economic interests. They only want to add fuel to the fire again,” he said, adding that his country “will not allow the outbreak of further conflict in the South Caucasus.”

“After thirty years of confrontation, Armenia and Azerbaijan clearly realize that they want peace in the South Caucasus. And peace can be achieved only through the normalization of relations between Yerevan and Baku,” he concluded.