Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides to be taught in Australian NSW schools

September 27 2024, 15:32


The Joint Justice Initiative (JJI) welcomed the final History Syllabus for Years 7 to 10, released by the New South Wales (NSW) Education Standards Authority, which includes the mandatory study of ‘Australia’s civic action and humanitarian response during World War I’, the Armenian National Committee of Australia reports.

The historic achievement will be implemented in 2027, ensuring all NSW students will learn about the actions of everyday Australians and New Zealanders who participated in humanitarian efforts during WW1, including in initiatives that saved survivors of the Ottoman Empire’s Genocide of the Armenians, Assyrians and Hellenes.

The inclusion comes following a motion unanimously adopted in the NSW Legislative Council calling for mandated Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocide education and the establishment of a museum, as well as a letter co-signed by over 25 academics calling for the inclusion in the Curriculum.

Since 2020, the JJI – made up of the peak public affairs bodies of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek communities in Australia – has been at the forefront of efforts to achieve federal recognition.

“This is the beginning of a new era in the pursuit for genocide recognition, where awareness and education will play a pivotal role. By ensuring that future generations learn about humanitarianism during the 1915 Genocides, we are also equipping students with the knowledge to stand against future atrocities,” said Armenian National Committee of Australia Executive Director Michael Kolokossian.

On 25th February 2020, the Joint Justice Initiative (JJI) was formed when the historic signing of a Memorandum of Understanding affirmed that the signatory public affairs representatives of the Armenian-Australian, Assyrian-Australian and Greek-Australian communities were jointly committed to seeing Australia recognize the Turkish-committed Genocides against the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian citizens of the Ottoman Empire.