Armenian authorities have lost their foreign policy subjectivity and influence on processes in region — Andrey Areshev

September 09 2024, 21:57


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist and expert at the Strategic Culture Foundation Andrey Areshev commented on the West’s energy interests in the region and why the EU monitoring mission turns a blind eye to Baku’s aggressive actions.

“Now there are quite serious talks on the supply of natural Azerbaijani gas to the EU. All parties are interested in this, and I believe this is the reason for the European structures’ unwillingness to raise issues in any way that may be inconvenient for their dialogue with Azerbaijan. Probably, there really is some kind of indirect connection, and a question arises to the Armenian authorities, who in recent years have lost their foreign policy subjectivity and therefore the possibility of influencing certain processes, despite the declared rapprochement with the EU and Brussels,” Areshev said.

Speaking about the Armenian-Russian relations, the political scientist noted that they have contradictory signals.

“Contradictory signals are obvious here. Of course, the Armenian side is interested in economic cooperation within the EAEU, which gives it serious benefits. At the same time, we see various messages caused by Western pressure. Mr. Simonyan’s statement about the Russian border guards on Armenia’s border with Iran and Turkey is a reflection of the ambiguous processes that are associated with the projects of the so-called ‘Zangezur corridor’ and the need for some geopolitical adjustments. We need to understand how far these processes can go. As we see, they are becoming quite dynamic, and we may witness a variety of consequences in the coming months,” Areshev stressed.