Armenian community of Abkhazia and benefactors restore Armenian school damaged by fire

August 12 2024, 18:30


The Armenian community of the Republic of Abkhazia and benefactors have restored the Armenian school in the Arakich village, which was damaged in a fire on March 23, 2023, the local community reports.

The Armenian community was committed to restoring the burned-down Armenian school before the beginning of the academic year. Nothing was saved in the school except for desks and blackboards. Everything was burned, including documents. Five months after the fire, the repair and restoration work of the building was almost complete. The school building was restored by the efforts of citizens with the funds of the Armenian community and benefactors.

A boxing section was opened at the school, which functions three times a week. Sukhumi City Assembly member Hayk Kalenjyan donated sports equipment to the school. At the moment, the fence of the football stadium adjacent to the school territory is being installed with the funds of the school alumni.