Armenian FM says border demarcation should be according to latest Soviet maps

November 03 2023, 12:28


Infrastructures should be unblocked based on the principle of reciprocity and equality, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said during the meeting in the National Assembly on Friday.
He regretfully noted that the President of Azerbaijan did not attend the meeting in Granada.

“Unfortunately, the president of Azerbaijan did not consider it necessary, convenient, or reasonable to participate in that meeting. Anyway, the four-party meeting in Granada resulted in a document that largely reflects the foundations of a long-term, stable, and dignified peace. It was a benchmark for that peace treaty. When we talk about a piece, we are guided by the principles enshrined in the said document.

You know that it is already the sixth round of exchanging comments, meeting, or negotiating. These have always been our benchmarks. The first is the mutual recognition of the territorial integrity of the two countries. We want to make it clear, and it is for this purpose that we highlight the areas of the territories of the two countries that are mentioned in the encyclopedia,” Mirzoyan said.

According to the Armenian FM, the second principle is that there should be a border demarcation between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“It is said that this process should take place in accordance with the latest legal, legitimate maps of the Soviet period. It is a set of maps from 1974 to 1988, by and large, based on the borders that existed at the time of the collapse of the USSR. It seems to me, and to Azerbaijan as well, that this is how the process of demarcation should take place.

The third principle, a much-discussed topic, is the unblocking of the region. Armenia is not only not opposed, but also interested in this. Armenia considers itself one of the main beneficiaries in the process of unblocking the economic and transportation communications of the region. All infrastructures must continue to operate under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through the territory of which they pass. Infrastructures should be unblocked based on the principle of reciprocity and equality,” Mirzoyan said.

According to Mirzoyan, the establishment of the “Crossroads of Peace” project will be one of the top political priorities of the Foreign Ministry in 2024.