Armenian National Committee in Lebanon receives response from Canadian Ambassador regarding COP29

August 21 2024, 15:14


Over the past few days, the Armenian National Committee in Lebanon has sent a letter to 44 foreign ambassadors accredited in Lebanon regarding the COP29 scheduled for November in Baku.

The letter notes that the 29th UN Climate Change Conference is being convened in a country that has recently subjected the indigenous population of Artsakh to starvation, unprovoked attack, bombardment, and ethnic cleansing. Moreover, Baku continues to hold Armenian hostages and POWs in its prisons. There is a deplorable situation with human rights in this country, with Azerbaijan and the fight against climate change being poles apart.

The Armenian National Committee has also appealed to the world’s 44 countries to reconsider their participation in this bogus conference, which Azerbaijan has labeled “Truce COP” and which serves to cover up its vices, or to use this platform to discuss the aforementioned human rights issues.

On August 20, the Armenian National Committee in Lebanon received a response letter from Canadian Ambassador to Lebanon Stefanie McCollum, stating that Canada continues to be a committed partner of Armenia and supports the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The letter notes that steps to combat climate change will continue to be an important priority for the Canadian government.

The Canadian Ambassador noted that the decision on the venue of COP29 was reached during COP28, and the Republic of Armenia gave its consent.