Armenian problems clearly do not dominate French political agenda, expert says

July 09 2024, 12:40


Speaking with Alpha News, Leading researcher at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and expert on France, Sergey Fedorov, commented on the results of the parliamentary election in France.

According to the expert, there is no point in expecting changes in France’s foreign policy after the election.

“Looking for a connection between the French election and Armenian issues and relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia is, to say the least, far-fetched. These problems clearly do not dominate the French political agenda, and there is no point in expecting any changes in foreign policy because the issues of foreign policy, defense, security, and internal affairs are the president’s prerogative. He has more powers here, although, of course, parliament also plays an important role in terms of adopting the budget, financing, military programs, diplomacy, and so on,” Fedorov said.

“There is no point in expecting any fundamental or significant changes based on the election results, especially since it is not clear at all what kind of government there will be and who will dominate it. There will be different options, right up to a technical government that will be headed by a representative of civil society or some famous scientist not associated with any particular party,” Fedorov concluded.