Artsakh parliament calls on to expose Azerbaijan’s insidious intentions and urge international community to soberly assess situation

August 21 2024, 13:47


The factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh have released a joint statement.

“On November 11–22, 2024, Baku will be hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP29), in which leaders of various countries, official delegations, representatives of international organizations, and many journalists are invited to participate. It is quite obvious that Baku is using the conference to mislead the world community and divert public attention from the crimes that represent the essence of its country. There is also no doubt that the indifferent approach of the officials and structures invited to the said conference to the crimes of Azerbaijan will be considered by the leadership of that country as encouragement for its committed and ongoing crimes, from which we can single out:

  • The ethnic cleansing in Artsakh perpetrated by Azerbaijan in September 2023, a genocide and a crime against humanity;
  • The invasion of the territory of the Republic of Armenia and the pressure on the Republic of Armenia by threat of force;
  • The false accusations, mistreatment, and uncertain fate of the military and political leaders of Artsakh and other prisoners taken hostage by Baku;
  • Azerbaijan’s ongoing anti-Armenian policy, which is also expressed by active steps to destroy, appropriate and falsify the rich historical and cultural heritage of Artsakh.
    The aforementioned list of criminal activities may continue for long. Covering up these actions under the name of the UN Climate Change Conference will only deepen the atmosphere of distrust and instability imposed by Azerbaijan on the South Caucasus region in 2020 through the 44-day war, complete blockade and displacement of Armenians from the Republic of Artsakh at risk of genocide.We call on all Armenians and the regional countries, organizations, and individuals interested in peace to join the campaign launched by the Central Office of the Armenian National Committee and the first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, to expose the insidious intentions of Azerbaijan in the information field, social media, and personal communications and urge the international community to soberly assess the situation,” the statement reads.