Azerbaijan creates false narrative about Armenian city of Ashtarak

February 06 2024, 16:30


Azerbaijan continues its policy of appropriating Armenian cities and monuments, and now the turn has come to Ashtarak and its cultural and historical monuments. Former Armenian Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan reported this on Facebook.

According to Tatoyan, the agenda of adopting a new Constitution and changing the legislation in Armenia is necessary for Azerbaijan authorities to divert attention from its crimes and legitimize them from the forced displacement of Artsakh Armenians and the occupation of Armenian territories.

“Under the veil of this, they deepen the animosity plan towards Armenia, create artificial grounds for aggression.

The Azerbaijani government TV channel dedicated another program to the city of Ashtarak of Armenia, which is a part of the so-called false ‘Western Azerbaijan’ being the homeland of the Oghuz-Turkic tribes since time immemorial. Moreover, along with Ashtarak, the ancient Armenian monastic complexes and churches located in that area are appropriated, stating that they are Turkish-Albanian monuments of the 5th century.

Further, according to the false narrative, Armenians were settled here by the Russian Empire in 1828, after the Russian-Turkish war.

In fact, this program is part of a specially designed state policy. Not only has it not decreased, but it is also intensively advanced. This is done by both internal and external propaganda,” he said.

He underscored the importance of exposing these false policies and showing that the Azerbaijani authorities have no intentions of real peace.

“Under no circumstances should they be allowed to dictate their agenda, legitimize their crimes, and prepare for new crimes at the same time,” he added.