Azerbaijan does not want a peace treaty — Alexander Tsinker

September 02 2024, 12:27


Speaking with Alpha News, Alexander Tsinker, Director of the Institute of Eastern Europe and the CIS in Israel, commented on Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s statement that Armenia is not interested in concluding a peace agreement.

“Why does the fact that Armenia buys some weapons from France or someone else for some millions of dollars cause such a reaction in Azerbaijan? But the fact that Azerbaijan buys arms for billions of dollars and then starts a war with Armenia does not surprise anyone and does not cause concern.

The constitution is changed by states depending on what the state and the people of that state require. Therefore, at the request of Azerbaijan or some other country, Armenia will not make any amendments to the constitution. As for the Minsk Group, it really worked shakily. It did not really do anything, but the question of the residents of Karabakh remains, the issue is not closed. Yes, they had to leave their homes, but I do not know whether this is a final decision, so it is quite possible that the Minsk Group may still be needed for something,” Tsinker said.

According to the expert, Azerbaijan is trying to increase its demands more and more every time.

“Summing it all up, I would say that on the contrary, in this situation, it is Azerbaijan that does not want a peace treaty. They rely on the fact that they won the last war, they are the winners. Realizing that they have more weapons, forces, and so on, they try to increase their demands more and more every time, understanding that while Russia is at war with Ukraine, they can still snatch something in negotiations with Armenia. So, in my opinion, they are trying to make it look like it is Armenia that does not want a peace treaty. It seems to me that the Armenian leadership is doing almost everything to sign this agreement, but the Azerbaijani side, on the contrary, pushes it further and further away, each time increasing demands on Armenia. So, I was not surprised by Aliyev’s speech. He pursues his own policy. All his other statements are the same, especially since it was all expressed at a meeting with Turkish officials,” Tsinker concluded.