Azerbaijan puts forward new narratives to Armenia — Pyotr Kolchin

October 01 2024, 16:40


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Pyotr Kolchin commented on Azerbaijan’s new demands regarding Armenia’s participation in defense alliances.

“This is part of the diplomatic game—a preface to the negotiations and the designation of positions that will be discussed in the future. As we see, Baku is showing that Armenia’s bloc affiliation, its participation in certain defense alliances, and military cooperation are important. It is worth expecting that in future negotiations, Aliyev will put forward some normative consolidation of this issue.

So, in this case, I see this as a kind of reason for future negotiations, and Azerbaijan is thus trying to focus attention on the fact that this issue will also be discussed,” Kolchin said.

According to the expert, Pashinyan’s attempts to find support in the West have been unsuccessful.

“Apparently, this may be a response to Pashinyan’s diplomatic attempts to find some support in the West. As we see, these attempts have not been successful; moreover, Baku shows that any attempts in this direction will be additionally discussed. These are some new narratives that Baku is putting forward.

Of course, it is still unknown to what extent these narratives will be documented during the negotiations and diplomatic bargaining. All this definitely creates room for maneuver, but nevertheless we see that Azerbaijan is trying to strengthen its negotiating positions and put forward a whole series of demands so that some of them can be filtered out later and some can be left,” Kolchin concluded.