Azerbaijani media “clarify” why three Armenians from Artsakh have been abducted

August 28 2023, 16:07


Azerbaijani media commented on the illegal arrest of students from Artsakh. Three Armenian football players are accused of flag desecration.

“Three Armenian football players who desecrated the flag of Azerbaijan two years ago were detained at the checkpoint in Lachin. Videos where Armenian football players desecrate the national flag of Azerbaijan have been published in various social media. In this regard, the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan has launched an investigation under articles 283.2.3 (incitement of national, racial, social or religious hatred and enmity by an organized group) and 324 (desecration of the state the flag or the state emblem of Azerbaijan) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan,” the statement says.

It is noted that, given the age of the defendants, Baku can only bring them to administrative responsibility. However, Baku insists that “they should be deported to Armenia.”