Bagrat Srbazan: We simply have no alternative to living and building a state
May 26 2024, 17:12

A nationwide rally kicked off in Yerevan’s Republic Square. In his speech, Bagrat Srbazan noted that the movement is against lies and falsity.
“It has been more than two weeks since we, Tavush for the Homeland movement, or as people call it, a sacred movement, have been consistently, patiently, and with a clear agenda, moving confidently towards the victory of the desired truth, which is not far off. Moreover, it is very close. Once again, I want to remind you and confirm that we have begun our struggle with the reconciliation agenda, against lies and falsity, hatred, and enmity, in the name of truth, love, and peace. That is, in its whole essence, this movement is about values and civilizational changes. We simply have no alternative to living and building a state,” Bagrat Srbazan said.