Baku is now starting to delay the situation – Sergey Markelov

October 17 2024, 12:50


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Sergey Markelov commented on the prospect of signing a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“What is the current struggle in the negotiation process between Baku and Yerevan? The struggle is over whose conditions will be the main ones to advance and finalize these talks. That is, who is in control and who is subordinate? Baku agrees to the format and style of finalizing the talks only if Azerbaijan is in control. This is connected with many factors, but in the end all factors come down to the basic mistrust between Baku and Yerevan. This is why they are digging around this agreement,” Markelov said.

“Baku is now starting to delay the situation itself. In other words, it wants to find some more compelling arguments to finally stake its claim that it controls the entire process. And that is where all the whims come from—all this talk about what they will or will not sign, when they will sign, and what will be included in the comprehensive agreement, and so on,” Markelov concluded.