Blinken does not take pro-Armenian actions — Artin Sookasian

October 25 2024, 13:25

Opinion | Politics

“Kamala Harris did NOTHING as 120,000 Armenian Christians were horrifically persecuted and forcibly displaced in Artsakh. Christians around the World will not be safe if Kamala Harris is President of the United States,” US presidential candidate Donald Trump said in a post on Truth Social yesterday.

Alpha News had a conversation on this topic with attorney and political scientist Artin Sookasian.

“There is an election period in the United States, and in this regard, everyone will make beautiful statements, it has always been like that. The problem is that the Armenian community has always endorsed Democrats more than Republicans. For many years, Democrats supported ANCA. It is not that the Armenians or Armenian organizations did not want to work with the Republicans, it’s just that the Democrats provided great support,” he explained to Alpha News.

According to the attorney, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has never taken pro-Armenian actions.

“All the work related to foreign affairs is entrusted to Blinken. In my opinion, he is not engaged in pro-Armenian activities. For me, as a Democrat, the biggest problem is keeping Antony Blinken in office. If Kamala Harris is elected, I hope she will dismiss Antony Blinken, even though the chances are slim. 

Now we have two candidates: one is a Democrat who supports the current government in Armenia and the peace agreement, and I am absolutely against it. And there is Trump, who did not do much for Armenia during his presidency,” Sookasian said.

He noted that Nikol Pashinyan’s government has done everything possible to split the old diaspora in the United States.

“The big problem of the past six years is that, having come to power, Pashinyan and his team began working with Mkhitar Hayrapetyan. He was very young and inexperienced. We met him very well in Glendale, and he said he wanted to help the diaspora. We asked what the budget was, and he said one million dollars. This is a ridiculous amount of money in the US. The Civil Contract Party, through Zareh Sinanyan, severed ties with the old diaspora and tried to create a connection with the new one, which was formed in the 1980s and 1990s from citizens who emigrated from Armenia. And he split the old one,” Sookasian noted with regret.