Canada has clear pro-Armenian position, especially after events in Artsakh — Sevag Belian

September 24 2024, 14:45

Opinion | Politics

The Global Affairs Canada issued a statement on the first anniversary of the displacement of Armenians from Artsakh, which clearly states both the need for the immediate release of prisoners and hostages as well as the right of the people of Artsakh to return and respect for the right to self-determination, which is important for the resolution to the conflict.

Alpha News had a conversation on this matter with Sevag Belian, Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC).

According to him, this is not the first time that Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly has made such a statement.

“Over the past few years, she has made quite pro-Armenian statements on several occasions. Even last October, she was personally present at the opening of the Canadian Embassy in Yerevan, where she had many meetings. She also visited Jermuk, joining the European Union monitoring group to observe the situation on the ground as well as to support Canada’s participation in that monitoring mission. As you know, Canada is the only non-European country participating in the mission. And it is not news for the parties, be it Azerbaijan, Armenia, or the international community, that Canada has a fairly clear pro-Armenian position, especially after the events in Artsakh. Mélanie Joly had very close relations with the Armenian community even before she was appointed the Foreign Minister, and these statements are made not only for securing political interests. She is also working on international platforms to ensure the Armenian issue is presented first,” he said.

Speaking about the importance of the statement, Belian stressed that it is very comprehensive since all the main points were included in one statement.

“When it comes to the return of our prisoners of war, the return of the Artsakh people, the right to self-determination, and the protection of historical and cultural monuments, Canada has repeatedly talked about all these issues since 2020. But if we talk specifically about the importance of this statement, it is necessary to emphasize several points. First, let us note that today Canada is the only country that marks the first anniversary of the forced displacement of the Artsakh Armenians. At least, as we know, there is no other country that would have issued a similar statement. Speaking about the importance of the statement again, I should note that it is very comprehensive; all the points were included in one statement, and it is presented as the state’s clear position on all issues. This statement also sets an example for other states to talk about the Artsakh issue and the anniversary, not to give in to Azerbaijan’s statements and not to let this issue sink into oblivion,” Belian concluded.