Canadian-Armenian lawyer Hayduk Shamlyan: Ambassador’s behavior was shameful 

October 21 2023, 13:40


The state is represented by incompetent and inexperienced people, Canadian-Armenian lawyer Hayduk Shamlyan told Alpha News, referring to the statement made by the Armenian ambassador to Canada that Canadian Armenians cannot demand anything because they are not citizens of Armenia.

“We are one nation and one community. We have one homeland. It is interesting that when the diaspora says something that is in the interest of the Armenian authorities, they welcome our ideas, but when it does not concern them, they express inappropriate opinions,” the lawyer noted.

According to Shamlyan, the behavior of the Armenian ambassador was shameful, especially considering that they are in a foreign country.

“Since we are on foreign shores, this lady’s behavior and words were even more shameful. Incompetent and inexperienced people are claimed to represent the state. The ambassador represents the government, and since the government is one person, she represents that one person. Since most of the protesters were young people, the ambassador thought that she could lecture them,” the Canadian-Armenian lawyer concluded.