Caucasus expert says Russia supports peaceful solution to Yerevan-Baku problems

October 17 2023, 12:30

Opinion | Politics

Caucasus expert Konstantin Tasits commented to Alpha News on Russia’s role in resolving Armenian-Azerbaijani contradictions and the relationship between Moscow and Yerevan.

According to the expert, Armenia remains Russia’s ally.

“At the meeting of the heads of the CIS countries in Bishkek, Vladimir Putin noted that Armenia remains Russia’s ally. We can talk about attempts to seize the initiative from Russia in resolving Armenian-Azerbaijani contradictions, since the most complete road map for resolution lies in trilateral statements that were adopted at the highest level by the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, and the Prime Minister of Armenia.

Therefore, Russia remains committed to the peace agenda and, accordingly, to resolving contradictions, including border delimitation, ensuring the rights and security of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, their possibility of return, concluding a peace treaty, and opening communications between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Tasits said.

When asked about future relations between Russia and Armenia, the expert noted that everything depends on the political will of the leaders of these countries.

“Of course, everything depends on the political will of the leaders, how ready they are for compromise solutions, and how they see the future of their countries and the region as a whole. Russia in this case supports a peaceful and compromise solution to existing problems,” the expert concluded.