Caucasus has tendency to blame Russia for its troubles, political scientist says

June 28 2024, 13:15

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Dmitry Babich commented on Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova’s statement that the Armenian Security Council Secretary humiliated his own people by blaming Russia for the loss of Karabakh.

According to the political scientist, there is a tendency in the Caucasus to blame Russia for its troubles.

“I agree with Maria Zakharova. Unfortunately, in the Caucasus, there is such a tendency to blame Russia when trouble or some kind of defeat happens. Of course, Russia did not want Armenia to lose Karabakh, but Russia wanted a peace agreement. In reality, it is interested in resolving this conflict. Therefore, Russia supported, if we remember, diplomatic efforts until 2020. When the war continued, it wanted to somehow resolve this problem through mutual concessions. Well, after this, I think that any person who followed the news understands that it is not true that Russia gave Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan prepared itself for this war. It was better prepared for it than Armenia. It used more modern weapons. This period of peace after 2020 came thanks to Russia’s mediation. It was during this period that Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan declared that Karabakh was part of Azerbaijan. Is Russia to blame for this? I don’t think so. Russia was very critical of Pashinyan and his, so to speak, pro-Western line,” Babich said.

“The West is obviously satisfied with this situation. The West expects that thanks to the transfer of Karabakh to Azerbaijan, transport roads in the region will be unblocked, and Azerbaijani and Central Asian oil will flow more easily to Europe. Obviously, this is what they are counting on,” Babich concluded.