Centuries-old ties between Russia and Armenia will withstand all the tests that the West constantly puts them through – Maria Zakharova

August 08 2024, 13:00


US statements that Armenia wants to turn its back on Russia are unfounded, Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, told RIA Novosti.

“O’Brien’s unfounded allegations that Armenia wants to turn its back on Russia are another example of geopolitical engineering characteristic of the Americans: to create a ‘reality’ that Washington needs in the eyes of the world community, which has nothing in common with what is actually happening,” Zakharova said.

She noted that there have been attempts to distort the state of affairs through social surveys in other countries in the region.

“O’Brien and company need to understand one simple thing. The ties formed between our countries over the centuries will withstand all the tests that the West constantly puts them through… Throughout history, we have provided assistance to the fraternal Armenian people many times, and we intend to continue to do so,” Zakharova concluded.