Chairman of Artsakh National Assembly: The steps of some individuals aimed at destroying the foundations of our statehood are unacceptable

August 22 2023, 17:01


Davit Ishkhanyan, the chairman of the Artsakh National Assembly, made an appeal:

“The steps of some individuals who have been speaking out in recent days under the guise of false calls for unity and aimed at destroying the foundations of our statehood are unacceptable. I assumed the position of the Chairman of the National Assembly as a result of the consolidation of political forces. I am sure that this consolidation will turn the noble idea of preserving statehood, whose legitimate representatives are the institutions of the President and the National Assembly, into reality.

All the steps that are aimed at driving a wedge and at the separation and opposition of state structures only create hostility within the country and will be water to enemy’s mill.

I am sure that in these difficult days, the representatives of the power and law enforcement agencies realize the price and importance of preservation of statehood.

As the second person who accepted the political leadership of the country, as on the battlefield, I did not stay away from the process of creating statehood, I was faithful to the goals of our martyrs. Realizing the importance of internal solidarity, I am ready to make every effort to make joint decisions and withdraw our republic from this situation with minimal losses.

As the head of the legislative body, I am sure that the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh will create all conditions to become a platform not only for political discussions, but also for presenting society’s problems and resolving them.

I assure you that the National Assembly is ready to receive various strata of society with a constructive tendency, and is ready to listen to everyone’s opinion and present it to both the President and the relevant bodies of the Republic of Artsakh.

Rest assured that we will get out of this difficult situation thanks to our unwavering, just, and boundless dedication and solidarity. I urge everyone to show vigilance and restraint for the benefit of our country and people.”