Changing partners in midstream will not lead to any good, political scientist says

January 16 2024, 12:33

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, Russian political scientist Alexey Mukhin commented on Nikol Pashinyan’s statement regarding Russia’s participation in the Trilateral Statement and the Armenian Prime Minister’s proposal for mutual arms control between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“The Armenian authorities are now quite actively communicating with the United States and France. They begin to influence not only Nikol Pashinyan’s statements but also his actions. Apparently, such a restrained conflict with Russia is the mainstream line of Nikol Pashinyan’s behavior. Therefore, we should treat his accusations against Russia or anyone else based on these data. Nikol Pashinyan has started a very complex game, which for some reason he considers geopolitical. Unfortunately, the results so far are deplorable. Most likely, the results will get worse.

Azerbaijan now feels strong and powerful and will certainly put pressure on Armenia. Relying on Western partners may turn out to be wrong,” Mukhin said.

When asked about Pashinyan’s proposal of mutual arms control, the expert suggested that this is nothing more than a desire to include foreign actors in the Armenian-Azerbaijani political process.

“This is a proposal to directly involve Western actors in resolving the conflict. He hasn’t said it yet, maybe he’s already said it somewhere, I don’t know. But at this stage, he covertly proposed to shift the emphasis of the controlling mediators from Russia and the CSTO to anyone else. In this case, France and the US. That is, this is a hidden proposal for Azerbaijan to more actively include in its plans the United States and France, which are clearly on the side of Armenia and are putting pressure on Azerbaijan in every possible way. This is obvious,” Mukhin said.

A change in geopolitical partnership, according to Mukhin, will adversely affect Armenia.

“The support of Western actors has always led heads of sovereign states into a state of uncontrollable chaos. Armenia is now in the very center of such turbulence, and changing closest partners on the move, in midstream, will not lead to any good. It never did,” Alexey Mukhin concluded.