CIA will require a lot of services in return, says expert

May 23 2024, 13:40


Speaking with Alpha News, expert in American studies Mikhail Sinelnikov-Orishak commented on the meeting of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with the CIA delegation.

According to the expert, the CIA will definitely require a lot of services from the Armenian authorities in return.

“The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is one of those intelligence agencies that really has access to significant information from completely different angles. They very actively collect information from any area that helps analyze, predict, and model any future. Many analytical models seem attractive to those who are at a crossroads, as is now the case in Armenia. Indeed, here you can get some forecasts and choose one or another option.

Of course, all this will not happen ‘just like that’. This will definitely require a lot of small services. By accepting certain options for help, you involuntarily become attached to certain standards, and you involuntarily begin to think in a certain paradigm. At some point, it will be difficult for you to give up all this. This is how influence is achieved,” Orishak said.

According to the expert, it will be interesting to calculate the damage that will result from focusing on the United States.

“Naturally, Armenia should now understand the intentions of its neighbors—what is worth giving up and what is not—because cooperation is, of course, good, but no one has canceled the geographical factor. We can declare that taking only one side in politics is counterproductive. It is advisable to work on all sides. Russia is nearby, there is no getting away from it. One way or another, you will have to take into account the interests of the region, the interests of your closest neighbors. You cannot suddenly cut everything off. In this case, it is interesting to calculate the damage that will be caused by the connection with Europe and the shift towards the United States,” Orishak concluded.