Conflict with Russia is either foolishness or betrayal, says political scientist

May 18 2024, 11:29

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political scientist Aslan Rubaev commented on Armenian-Russian relations, the meeting of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Armenia’s rapprochement with the West, and how Russia perceived Armenia’s decision to finance the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

According to the expert, if the Russian President said that relations with Armenia are stable, then it is true.

“Putin noted that the meeting with Pashinyan was positive; they said goodbye on a positive note. At this stage, the Russian President called relations with Armenia stable. Pashinyan has so far slowed down his anti-Russian rhetoric. But I don’t trust him, to be honest. Putin apparently considers it necessary to listen to him now. If the Russian President said that at this stage relations are stable, that’s probably true for now,” Rubaev said.

According to the political scientist, it would be wrong for Armenia to shoot itself in the foot, i.e., quit the CSTO or criticize the EAEU.

“It’s good that Pashinyan was at the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union, which means we are not losing Armenia in the EAEU. Armenia is interested in being in this organization. For Russia, it is important that the number of EAEU members increase rather than decrease. Trade turnover between Armenia and Russia has increased 2.5 times, and this is great. So, it would be wrong for Armenia to shoot itself in the foot, quit the CSTO, or criticize the EAEU. The decision to stop financing the CSTO, of course, is perceived negatively,” Rubaev noted.

According to the expert, Armenia will never receive any security guarantees from the West.

“It seems to me that Pashinyan himself was never guided by national interests, because any politician in Armenia understands that conflict with Russia, which controls part of the railways, a significant part of the economy, and Armenian security, is either foolishness or betrayal. I am still inclined to believe that this is a betrayal because Pashinyan is holding consultations with the West. What reasonable politician can ask for help from the Americans, French, or Europeans? Firstly, they are very far away, and secondly, they are interested in having a conflict; they have only one aim: “divide and conquer”.

I conclude that no matter what agreements we sign with Pashinyan, they will still all go down the drain, because at the very first call from Paris, Brussels, or Washington, he will do what he is told to do. He will never do what is essential for Armenia, for its prosperity, security, and stability. But for the West, Armenia is just a tool. When Putin meets with someone, he knows what territorial integrity and sovereignty are. He had never disrespected national identity in his life. He perceives Armenia as a sovereign state with its own national interests. This is Putin’s national character. He sits as equals and talks as equals. But never in my life have I seen Americans and Europeans speak on equal terms. So, Armenia will never get any security from the West in its life. The only thing it will get is war,” Rubaev concluded.