Democracy has western double standards, which is why brute force is not noticed – lawyer 

July 02 2024, 10:19


Speaking with Alpha News, lawyer Vahe Grigoryan commented on the statement of the EU ambassador to Armenia that the introduction of the patrol police in Armenia was successful.

“It is obvious that the ambassador is just trying to justify and legitimize all the illegal actions that are taken by the law enforcement system, including the patrol service, because his statement has nothing to do with reality.

Many crimes have been committed by various officers of the patrol police, from the use of disproportionate physical force to the use of special technical measures that have led to the disability of persons. So, the ambassador should have taken into account this circumstance before making such a statement. However, all this was not noticed since democracy has western double standards,” Grigoryan noted.

According to the lawyer, the patrol service in Armenia is not well established today.

“The fact that a person who does not have at least a higher education can be granted the title of patrol officer in Armenia is a clear proof that the patrol service cannot be a well established service at least at the moment. The adoption of thousands of unlawful administrative acts once again proves that it is just another tool of the repressive system.

In general, it can be noted that the number of administrative acts issued and subsequently invalidated, as well as publicly available videos on the Internet, prove that the service is not only not established but has not yet started the process. We should definitely note that the service cannot be considered well established under any circumstances,” Vahe Grigoryan concluded.