Elizabeth Chouldjian: ANCA calls on Senate and Congress to provide military aid to Armenia

December 23 2023, 18:15


Azerbaijan must be held accountable for everything it has done against the people of Artsakh, Elizabeth Chouldjian, ANCA’s Communications Director, told Alpha News.

“The most important matter of 2023 is the matter of protecting Artsakh, the issue of the Genocide against the people of Artsakh and the many-month blockade. The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) did everything possible to achieve sanctions against Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan and Turkiye must be held accountable for everything they have done against the people of Artsakh. We have been working all year to provide assistance to Artsakh, organized humanitarian aid for the people of Artsakh, and worked to ensure the return of prisoners as soon as possible, this also applies to the Artsakh officials,” Chouldjian said.

She emphasized that ANCA and the Armenian community made a clear signal to stop military support for Azerbaijan.

“We have been working on this with both the White House and Congress, as well as with the 2020-2024 presidential and congressional candidates. The call of ANCA and the Armenian community was clear: to stop military support for Azerbaijan. The United States gave Azerbaijan the green light, by providing military aid. The United States seemed to be saying: continue the blockade and continue to starve 120,000 Artsakh people. We have all seen the consequences of such actions. As a result, our compatriots were subjected to Genocide, ethnic cleansing and were forced to leave their lands,” Chouldjian said.

She also noted that ANCA called on the US Congress and Senate to provide humanitarian assistance to the Armenians of Artsakh and military aid to Armenia.

“Months of work bore fruit, and the US State Department announced that it would stop providing military assistance to Azerbaijan. The Senate, finding that the promises were not enough, decided to turn to Biden and demanded the introduction of legislation to stop military aid. All these are preliminary steps for the introduction of sanctions. At the moment, ANCA continues its work. Five different resolutions have already been submitted to the Congress and Senate calling for humanitarian assistance to the Armenians of Artsakh and military assistance to Armenia,” Chouldjian concluded.