Elizabeth Chouldjian: The US is complicit in the genocide in Artsakh

October 18 2023, 09:50

Opinion | Politics

As soon as various issues arise in the world, the Biden administration immediately condemns them, be it the issue of Ukraine or what is happening now in Israel, ANCA Spokesperson Elizabeth Chouldjian told Alpha News, and added that, unfortunately, the Biden administration remained silent when it saw the genocide taking place in Artsakh.

“We continue to work and try to keep in touch with all presidential candidates. And when the time comes, we will do everything we can to hold the Biden administration accountable. The United States is complicit in the genocide in Artsakh, and the ANCA will try to put an end to this erroneous American policy,” Chouldjian said.

She emphasized that the time has come for the Armenian Diaspora of America to put forward their clear demands to the authorities.

“The time has come for the Armenian Diaspora of America, in cooperation with American parties, to put forward clear demands, and for America to apply specific sanctions against Azerbaijan. Currently, the Armenian National Committee of America is working to change the wrong policy of the Biden administration. We will also work with all presidential candidates to ensure that military assistance to Azerbaijan is completely halted,” Chouldjian noted.