Elizabeth Chouldjian: US must take clear steps and impose sanctions against Azerbaijan

March 15 2024, 11:45

Opinion | Politics

The US government must cooperate with the government of Artsakh to organize the safe return of Artsakh people to their historical homeland, ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian told Alpha News.

“On March 11–12, representatives of the Armenian National Committee from various states of America arrived in Washington, D.C., and met with more than 100 congressional offices. The message was the same: the American government must take clear steps to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan. The American government must also work with international structures, as well as with the Artsakh government, to be able to organize the safe return of Artsakh people to their homeland.

The Eastern and Western regions’ offices of the Armenian National Committee of America cooperated with representatives from about 20 states who came to Washington for these meetings. Along with all this, work was carried out to raise awareness about the security of Artsakh and Armenia, as well as about the former leaders of Artsakh and prisoners of war forcibly held in Azerbaijan,” Chouldjian noted.

She emphasized that the US government must provide military assistance to Armenia to resist Azerbaijan.

“The work is now underway on the adoption of two resolutions. The first one is the issue of providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Gaza, as well as the people of Artsakh. The position of the congressmen is clear. They believe that the American government should provide military assistance to Armenia, because we all know that Azerbaijan will not be satisfied with its genocidal actions, and everything that happened to the people of Artsakh will happen in Armenia. Congressmen demand that the American government expand its work around the issue of Artsakh and the security of Armenia, impose sanctions against the authorities of Azerbaijan, and cut off all military aid to this country,” Chouldjian concluded.