Escalation of war is very possible, says Russian MP

June 20 2024, 11:25


Speaking with Alpha News, Russian MP Vitaly Milonov commented on the news that the Armenian Foreign Ministry accused Azerbaijan of intending to launch a new attack after the UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP29).

According to the expert, the Armenian authorities have chosen a path that involves military action on the part of Azerbaijan.

“An escalation of the war is very possible because the path chosen by the Armenian authorities presupposes further military actions and the loss of even more territories. Unfortunately, now we must understand that it will be extremely difficult for Armenia to resist Azerbaijan militarily because Azerbaijan, militarily, has become a single state with Turkey,” Milonov said.

“Armenia’s statements regarding the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are a white flag that is waved from the office of the Prime Minister of Armenia, saying that Russia will no longer protect the state borders of Armenia, so Azerbaijan can attack.

And I want to remind you that Azerbaijan buys weapons from Turkey in huge quantities, just as it bought from Israel for the attack on Nagorno-Karabakh. Pashinyan is now constantly signaling to all potential enemies of Armenia that he does not want Russian support and prefers the moral support of Western countries. This is, unfortunately, Pashinyan’s choice,” Milonov concluded.