Eteri Musayelyan: Hundreds lost contact with their relatives, they seek help from the Red Cross

September 25 2023, 12:39


Due to the congestion of the Lachin corridor, the International Committee of the Red Cross was not able to transport goods to Artsakh yesterday and today, Eteri Musayelyan, the press secretary of the ICRC mission in Artsakh, told Alpha News.

“Two days ago we transported about 70 tons of cargo along the Lachin corridor but today the road is congested,” Musayelyan said.

As a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan in Artsakh on September 19, some people are still missing.

“These days, people who have lost contact with their relatives apply to the ICRC. I can’t say the exact number, it is constantly changing. We register applications of people who have lost contact with a relative or if there are suspicions that this person is in prison. There are more than a hundred applications, including those from parents who have lost track of their minor children,” Musayelyan said.