EU creates problems rather than solves them, expert says

February 29 2024, 16:20

Opinion | Politics

Member of Russia’s socialist party “A Just Russia – For Truth” Nikolai Starikov commented to Alpha News on the EU’s promise to “respond” in the event of a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Armenia.

According to the expert, the EU and NATO were created not to solve problems but to create them.

“Who did the European Union help in the military sense? The answer is no one. Who did NATO help in the military sense? No one. These structures are created not to solve problems but to create them and then, under the pretense of solving them, to solve their own problems. This formula is universal for any country and at any time. So I don’t think these statements should be taken seriously. One can easily guess how the European Union acts, how NATO acts, and what they, in fact, were created for,” Starikov said.

Commenting on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement regarding the freezing of Armenia’s membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the expert noted that Pashinyan said this very evasively to have a free hand.

“There is a very ambiguous phrase, which, I am sure, was not said by chance. But the very fact of her utterance is, of course, alarming. In any case, we, as Russian patriots, would like the military blocs with Russia’s participation to expand, strengthen, and not have any internal cracks or problems,” Starikov concluded.