Everyone is tired of the conflict, political scientist on possibility of Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty

November 21 2023, 10:10


Russian military political scientist Alexander Perendzhiev commented to Alpha News on the possibility of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“The signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan is an urgent need for both peoples to live in peace. Here, of course, we are talking not only about a peace treaty but also a border treaty that must be signed to exclude any disputes over border territories.

And I believe that this movement towards a peace treaty should definitely be welcomed by all peoples and all states. Well, first of all, the states of the Minsk Group on Nagorno-Karabakh. And not only them, of course. Because in the end, everyone is tired of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which has been going on since late Soviet times until the present day,” the expert said.

Commenting on the failed meetings associated with the absence of one of the parties, the political scientist noted that this is due to the increased responsibility of the parties for the final result.

“The contradictions arise because there are most likely some pitfalls and interference by entities that are probably still trying to escalate the situation. Apparently, it is necessary for both one side and the other to double-check some information, due to the fact that it probably arrives at very last moment. Therefore, decisions are made not to meet yet, to take a break for now.

So, when the parties decide not to meet, it may also be dictated by the fact that some unwanted information was received, and they do not want this meeting to end in failure. The position is that it is better for the meeting not to take place than to have a failed meeting, which could complicate the situation. Therefore, the parties are trying to find such a meeting when everything will really go as efficiently as possible in matters of signing a peace treaty,” Perendzhiev said.