Fr. Ruben Zargaryan: The attitude towards the church shown in the Sardarapat Memorial is hooliganism at the state level

May 29 2024, 15:00


The attitude towards the church shown in the Sardarapat Memorial is hooliganism at the state level, Father Ruben Zargaryan told Alpha News.

“At least police officers should not behave like this. The political leadership does not understand this and is leading them into confrontation. The police are a power structure, and now it turns out that they are involved in politics. Our church is accused of being involved in politics, but they have politicized the security forces, which is not within their competence, and this is enshrined in the Constitution. Today the police are not a neutral state force. They serve the authorities. We are also part of the state, I am a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, I have a passport, I participate in elections, I pay taxes, and if I violate something, they apply sanctions. Therefore, the police should be a neutral structure for all parties, but today the police are a tool in the hands of the authorities,” Father Zargaryan said.

When asked whether such actions could have more acute manifestations, he noted that anything can be expected from the current government of Armenia.

“I expect anything from the current government of Armenia. Everything is possible. The actual leader of our country is not reasonable. He has completely lost his sense of reality,” Father Zargaryan concluded.