François Hollande: Surrender of Armenia will be a cruel disgrace for France and a sinful renouncement for Europe

October 02 2023, 16:53


Surrender of Armenia will be a cruel disgrace for France and a sinful renouncement for Europe, Former French President François Hollande stated in an article titled “Let’s help Armenia” in Le Journal.

Hollande recalled that as president he participated in mediation efforts in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“This experience prompts me to give formal notice: justice and honor today require France to do everything in its power to help the Armenians,” Hollande wrote.

Referring to the situation around Artsakh, the ex-President of France said that Armenians desperately fled their homeland.

“Their houses are abandoned or burned; churches are destroyed. Ethnic cleansing is underway. Lives of many are at stake if the international community does not come quickly to check the conditions of their stay or evacuation. But the worst is yet to come, because the integrity of Armenia itself, so precious but so fragile country, may be affected.”

He stressed that Erdogan had not abandoned his Ottoman dream, pushing Azerbaijan to go as far as possible.

“As for the Europeans who have already been deprived of Russian gas, they spare Baku in order not to lose another source of fuel supply. Americans are doing a lot to help Ukraine, but in the case of the Caucasus, they may think that it is far away from them. In short, Armenia is once again in danger of being abandoned.

Surrender would be a cruel disgrace for France, a sinful renouncement for Europe and a great concession to Moscow for the United States. The time has come to declare decisively that the borders of Armenia are sacred, they must be guaranteed. France must be on the front line,” Hollande concluded.