Gegham Stepanyan: Armenians of Artsakh take on their share of responsibility with their usual perseverance

September 02 2023, 20:55


The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Artsakh sent a message to the citizens of Artsakh, Armenia, and compatriots from the Diaspora, which was demonstrated during the rally on the Freedom Square.

The message says:

“For 265 days, the Armenians living under blockade in Artsakh have taken upon themselves the share of responsibility which they bear with their usual perseverance and dignity, at the same time expecting that the other pillars of the cherished triad – Mother, Motherland and Diaspora – will remain faithful to the oath of unity.

In this regard, I would like to ask everyone to strongly support the Artsakh Armenians every day and take responsibility for their fate.”

Stepanyan assures that the current situation in Artsakh is an anthropogenic catastrophe carried out in front of the civilized world in the 21st century.

“This catastrophe has specific authors who, unfortunately, are not being punished today, and continue their genocidal policy amidst international permissiveness, striving to break the Armenians in Artsakh. But I am firmly convinced that thanks to Pan-Armenian unity, Artsakh will live forever, despite all the wishes of its enemies and for the glory of all Armenians,” Stepanyan said.