Georgia is being pushed into conflict with Russia: Karen Igityan

July 25 2024, 11:20


Georgia is being pushed to enter into conflict with Russia. Kavkazologist Karen Igityan reported this live on Alpha News.

“Georgia is trying to play independently, not to obey the demands of the West, based on the national interests of Georgia and Georgians. Georgia is being pushed to enter into conflict with Russia. Naturally, this is not in the interests of Georgia. Georgians do not obey, and when they do not obey, they are put under pressure.

It should be noted that at the moment we no longer have the world order that existed before February 2022. The new world order has not yet taken place, but the old one has not, because we see on the example of Georgia, which does not obey the West, we see that India and Saudi Arabia also do not obey. That is, former allies, even current allies, do not obey the Western dictatorship,” Karen Igityan said.

Kavkazov sees common features in Saakashvili and Pashinyan’s policies, including anti-Russian ones.

“Let’s compare the power of Pashinyan and Saakashvili. Here we will notice a lot in common: firstly, anti-Russian rhetoric, secondly, false nationalism, incitement to war, defeat in the war, support from the West. We see that everything went according to the same pattern. When Georgia goes to the West, but at the same time does not obey them, all this has a political price.