Gurdjieff Ensemble to present Armenian music in Italy

September 16 2024, 12:37


The Gurdjieff Ensemble will present Armenian music in Italy. The ensemble, which consists of musicians playing traditional Armenian instruments, will perform on September 19 at the Sounds of the Dolomites festival to be held in the Trentino region, among rocks and meadows, spires, and mountain lakes.

This year the prestigious German label ECM Records released the third album of the Gurdjieff ensemble called “Zartir”. It reinterprets the music of the famous Armenian intellectual, philosopher, composer, and choreographer George Gurdjieff.

The internationally acclaimed ensemble consists of brilliant musicians playing traditional Armenian instruments. Their “Music of Georges I. Gurdjieff” debut album and “Komitas” album were widely acclaimed and won prestigious awards, including the Edison Award in the Netherlands.