Hakob Badalyan: Pashinyan’s visit to Russia is a response to the West’s ineffectiveness

December 26 2023, 17:35

Opinion | Politics

Speaking with Alpha News, political commentator Hakob Badalyan said that Pashinyan had no compelling reasons not to attend the CSTO meetings.

“Armenia actually had no compelling reason not to go to Russia. For example, in the case of the CSTO, Armenia’s position was conditioned by the position of the organization, and although opinions here may differ, this explanation could have a certain basis. In this case, Yerevan, perhaps, could not reasonably explain its refusal, which is extremely important in politics. Of course, I was not at all of the opinion that Armenian-Russian relations are at a stage of rather great tension. Undoubtedly, there are significant problems, and these problems have been developing for quite a long time—I mean, a certain period of time,” Badalyan said.

The political commentator noted that problems should not cause a severance in Armenian-Russian relations.

“Problems should not at all imply a severance in Armenian-Russian relations and cooperation, especially at a high level. In effect, the institutional circumstances of Armenian-Russian relations have always been problematic, and these relations, by and large, depended on high-level relations, that is, on the relations of the leaders of the countries. I think this work environment is extremely important. First of all, we should focus on the importance these meetings will have in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Today there is no reason for high expectations. This issue will definitely be one of the key ones, but I think there will be discussions in a broader, regional sense. In general, today the situation is such that in the event of any meeting, one should expect effective diplomatic work to be done, including on the part of Armenia,” our interlocutor said.

According to Badalyan, Pashinyan’s visit to Russia was a response to the ineffectiveness of the West’s actions.

“We must expect that, at least at a high level, such mutual understanding will be reached that will allow Armenia, to a certain extent, to ensure the protection of its interests in the difficult atmosphere that exists today in the region and around it. In my opinion, Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to Russia is taking place due to the commotion on Western platforms. Azerbaijan refuses to go; the West either does not want or cannot involve Azerbaijan in negotiations, and the Prime Minister’s visit to Russia, in a sense, is also a reaction and response to the ineffectiveness of the West’s actions,” Hakob Badalyan concluded.