Hakob Havatyan: Lebanese Armenians declared the day of solidarity with Artsakh

September 02 2023, 13:18


Yesterday morning, Lebanese Armenians held a procession in support of Artsakh, and then symbolically signed on the flag of Artsakh, Hakob Havatyan, responsible for public relations of the Lebanese ARF Central Committee told Alpha News.

“On September 1, from 9 am until this moment, the Armenians of Lebanon declared the day of solidarity with Artsakh. Early in the morning the local Armenians fulfilled their duty and came to put their signatures on the flag of Artsakh. This is a symbolic sign, given that the Armenian community of Lebanon has done a lot over the past 30 years and has always been with Artsakh, as well as played a big role in the general process of resettling Artsakh,” Havatyan said.

According to him, Artsakh has always been the center of attention for the Lebanese Armenian community.

“Today, we all feel despair due to the loss of important territories of Artsakh. The bitter fate that has befallen Artsakh today threatens the physical existence of its population. All Armenians are deeply concerned about this, and the Lebanese Armenian community still has something to say,” Hakob Havatyan said.

He mentioned that thousands of citizens of different ages took part in the procession. They had been walking around the Armenian communities with posters in Arabic, English and Armenian, raising awareness about the situation in Artsakh.