Hasmik Movsisyan: Our film went through all the stages, just like in real life

November 10 2023, 14:30


The graduation project of Hasmik Movsisyan, a graduate of the Russian State University of Cinematography, is about a young man who moves his entire family and several others from Artsakh to Armenia during the 44-day war.

The young man drives 250 kilometers from the Martuni region of Artsakh to Armenia. Hence the name of Hasmik Movsisyan’s short film ‘250 Kilometers’. The film continues to win awards at various festivals, even after the 44-day war. It is being nominated not as a graduation project but as a complete short film.

Speaking to Alpha News, Hasmik Movsisyan tells how most of the cast crossed the kilometers connecting Artsakh to Armenia during the 44-day war, and two years later, during the last Artsakh war, they all passed that long path.

“Our film went through all the stages, just like in real life. The ‘250 kilometers’ of the blockade should have become a way of salvation; then that road was closed, which caused a blockade, and now that road is simply not there,” the filmmaker says.