‘He is my disciple, he is a great person and intellectual’: Mircea Lucescu on Henrikh Mkhitaryan

January 04 2024, 13:00


Former Shakhtar coach Mircea Lucescu commented on the success of his former mentee, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, in European football.

It should be noted that after leaving Shakhtar, the Armenian player had the opportunity to play for Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal, Manchester United, Roma, and Inter Milan.

“What can I say about Mkhitaryan, who remains in demand in Europe even at the age of 34? He is my disciple. We all know this player, but above all, he is a great person. A football intellectual, he speaks five languages and is very smart. He makes a difference on the field; he used to run 12 kilometers per match, very fast both mentally and physically. And he also scored many goals playing as a midfielder under my guidance. His career does not surprise me,” BSO quoted Lucescu as saying.