Henrikh Mkhitaryan talks about Yerevan walks with his son

July 02 2024, 20:20


Former captain of the Armenian national team, Inter Milan midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan is in Armenia.

Mkhitaryan told Armenian Soccer about his walks around Yerevan with his son.

“My son asks the question ‘why’ not many, but many many times. It is very nice that he is so curious and tries to learn and understand everything. Now, when we are in Armenia, he most often asks why people say hello to me. Strangers often come up to me on the street and greet me. Hamlet asks why. He asks, do you know him? I answer no, then the question follows, why then does he say hello to you? I answer, because he knows that I play for Inter and have played for the national team. Here his questions end, but with the next greeting, everything starts again,” the football player said.

Mkhitaryan noted that if his son decides to become a footballer, he will support him in everything, and then, perhaps, he will understand why people say hello to him so often. At the same time, he assured that he would not force a profession onto his son.