His Holiness Aram I urges Christian churches to unite

November 21 2023, 20:10


During His Holiness Catholicos Aram I’s visit to the Eastern Prelacy of the USA, the Armenian Prelacy organized ecumenical prayers at St. Illuminator Mother Church in New York, acknowledging the influential role of His Holiness in the ecumenical movement and wide connections.

As reported by the press center of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, the ceremony was attended by the prelate of the Eastern Prelacy, His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, and the prelate of the Western Prelacy, His Grace Bishop Torkom Donoyan. Representatives from all churches in New York were present at the event as well.

The ceremony made a profound impact, especially as it stood out as a unique event with the participants collectively reciting Nerses the Gracious’s “I confess with faith” prayer in 24 languages.

At the end of the ceremony, Archbishop Anoushavan invited His Holiness to deliver his message.

His Holiness addressed the concept and necessity of unity, along with practical ways to manifest this unity. He noted that the Christian faith faces threats in the current world, stressing the need to set aside religious issues inherited from the past. He advocated for adopting a collective public stance through ecumenical cooperation in response to movements that pose a threat to the Christian faith.